Frost Zone Zine ISSN 2564-0887 was a Canadian zine of dark fiction, quiet horror, and poetry. The first four issues were online, eBook, and POD (print on demand). The fifth and sixth issues were online, and eBook.


The first six issues were primarily online. The archive is here.


The market is being revived with many changes. FROST ZONE STORIES will replace the zine and submissions are expected to open in autumn 2024, with the first new publication in 2025.

PLEASE NOTE:  below is a record of each issue's cover and table of contents. Visit the ARCHIVE here.


The final issue of Frost Zone Zine was a special issue that we are so pleased with. To celebrate Women in Horror Month (although, really, we should read horror written by women year-round), this issue features only women authors, which to repeat, resulted in a spot on issue of what we like to publish. 


Table of Contents:


Spring 2022 by M.M. MacLeod (intro)

Blood, Ashes, Wine by Megan M. Davies-Ostrom

The Other Side by Angela Croudace

Death's Door by Eve Morton

Necklace by Carolyn Clink

Void by Serena Jayne

Bast of Martyrs by Meg Smith

Birth of the Living Night by Elyse Russell

A Lament for the Times Before by Jessica Peter

Tree Eyes by Katherine Quevedo

Confessions of a Lycanthrope by Frances Pauli

Harmonies of Fungi by Manisha Sahoo

She Nurtured a Monstrous Thirst by Alicia Hilton

Casting by Koji A. Dae

Pushing Boundaries by Marcie Lynn Tentchoff

Fairy Godmother by Laura Nettles

The Saint is a Witch, the Witch Confesses, by Amelia Gorman

Death Angel Style by Ara Hone

Think Me Helpless by Miriam H. Harrison





This was the only somewhat themed issue: stories and poetry about autumn/winter, Halloween/Christmas, Yule, etc.

Also the first digital-only issue.


Table of Contents:


What I See by Ivanka Fear

On the Surface by Evan Baughfman

Sprig by George Aitch

The Moon Queen's Harvest by Alicia Hilton

Best Friend Becky by Wayne Faust

The Leaves and the Signs are Falling by Colin Leonard

Learn My Strength, and We Wait by Miriam H. Harrison

The Scar by Hugh Allison

The Complete Turandot by Matias Travieso-Diaz

Taste of Christmas Magic by Brad Kelechava

Yuletide Wraith by Tim O'Neal

Slately, and A Ghost Story for Christmas by Malcolm Timperley

Decisions at Christmas by Yvonne Lang

Old Man Christmas by Luke Walker




Issue 4

The summer 2021 issue featuring fiction, drabbles, and an interview. 



Table of Contents:


Cheap Day Return by Malcolm Timperley

Gender Reveal by Cecilia Kennedy

The Swirling Shavings by David Watson

The Solustion by Susan Cornford

Crocodile by Nick Petrou

INTERVIEW: Q&A with Matthew G. Rees


More Things in Heaven and Earth by J.W. Wood

Walk in the Park by Ken MacGregor

Who's There? by Harris Coverley

Pareidolia by Elana Gomel

Low Country Carcass by Elyse Russell

The Great Owl by H.T. Grossen

Starless by Miriam H. Harrison

Past Due by Laura J. Campbell

Faces by DJ Tyrer

The December Incident by Neil Whitfield





The spring, 2021 ISSUE featured some eerie, spooky fiction, poetry and an interview.


Table of Contents:

One for Sorrow by Hannah O'Doom

Alone, C.M. Saunders

Corpse Bridge by Georgia Cook

Carne Dolce by Alex Ebenstein

Richard, Once the Backyard Devil, and, The Company I'm Forced to Keep by John Grey

Collective Magic by Tiffany Michelle Brown

Isobelle Dreams of Childhood Things by Megan M. Davies-Ostrom

The Vessel by Chrissie Rohrman

Interview Q&A with Ed Ahern

Aww Nuts by Diane Arrelle

Bandits by William Falo

The Ship Named Orpheus, and, City of Wolves by Avra Margariti

The Charming of the Worm by Patrick Moody

The Outrider by Michael Hart

Split Up Spell by Melanie Smith

A New Dynasty by JF Garrard

Companions by K.J. Watson

White Hares and Fairy Funerals by Lucy Stone

EPITAPH by LeRoy Gorman





The winter 2020/21 issue

A shorter issue, POD issue on cream paper instead of white.
Featuring fiction and poetry.


Table of Contents:

The Apparition by C.J. Carter-Stephenson

N14 by Eleftheria Tsichli

Table of Fear by Hazel Ann Lee

Remembrance House, and A Demonology by Meg Smith

The Dinner Party by John Harker

Time of Fruition by Hazel Ann Lee

An Arm and A Leg by David Henson

The Day Politeness Revealed Its Limits, and

Blackbeard Returns as a Porch Pirate by Lisa Timpf

Those That Are Loved Very Much by Nika Župan

Anselm by Joseph Farley

The Hunt, and Barbs by Ian A. Bain

The Thing in the Wax by Harris Coverley

Antiques by Clark Boyd

The Scoop by M.M. MacLeod


The inaugural issue, autumn 2020. First time reading submissions, no idea what we would get, and as I said in the intro on the website, this was first intended to be a paper zine of my own art and writing -- then the idea of opening to subs took over, then I was convinced to put it online and POD. Anyway, this is the First Issue:


Table of Contents:



Frank Coffman Georgics for Cthulhu
Jennifer Crow Midnight Watch, and Finisterre
Kate Garrett alphabet of flowers, and happy, happy they in hell
Robert Beveridge Lemming and Tease
John Grey The Wolf on the Hill, and Apocalypse Right Now



Porcelain Craig McGregor

Ways of Love John Bukowski

The Vulture William Falo

Flashback Friday Eryn Hiscock

The Lake Christian Macklam

Working Jeremiah Kleckner

Garbage Day Matthew Tansek

We Take Shelter from the Storm Aaron Miller

Seeing Michael W. Clark

Elevator Brandon Applegate

L’Oink Stephen McQuiggan